Thursday, 4 August 2022

Can I Jailbreak? (Almost Finished)

Hello all, As this is a massively requested thread, I have decided to compile a list from 5 different websites and merge them into one easy to use spreadsheet. No Current Jailbreak: What types of Jailbreak are there? [/hide]

from iOSGods RSS Feed

Chinese Name and ID For Games - Bypass?

To play Chinese games, 99% of the time you need to provide your name and Chinese ID number. This is for age verification purposes blah blah. I've seen some fake names and ID's online, but 9/10 times they don't work. So.. I want to know if it's possible to modify this somehow where in the game build you can change authentication to "yes" or something along those lines. Way back i remember being able to skip game tutorials by modifying the IPA under "completed tutorial - "YES". Anyone know a go-around for skipping this annoying name/ID requirement?

from iOSGods RSS Feed

Despotism 3K free in the Steam Store

Another Steam store freebie and this time, you have a whole week to claim it. Grab a copy of Despotism 3K by 1700 GMT on the 11th and it's yours forever. Link Kargor broke his chains long enough to find this one. Thanks! LH 3K used to be a lot of memory

from iOSGods RSS Feed

Unrailed! free from Epic Games store

I've been workin' on the railroad, all the live long day. If you want to join in, grab your free copy of Unrailed! from the Epic store. Link[] Details: - Account/DRM required: Epic Games (NOT Steam) - Offer good through August 11, 1500 GMT - Steam store page for evaluation Next week, more punctuation with Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! LH I know that things are going wrong for me, you've gotta listen to my words...

from iOSGods RSS Feed

LLDB error upon attaching apps

Hello, everyone. I was wondering if anyone could help me in regards to a problem I am having. I am using Rook's LLDB tutorial and upon attaching an app, I am getting errors. It is "error: unable to find section for section 44" multiple times and then "Could not find implementation lookup function "class_getMethodImplementation" step in through ObjC method dispatch will not work." Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. (The device I am using is a 2nd generation iPhone SE on iOS 14.8)

from iOSGods RSS Feed