Saturday, 6 August 2022

(MOD Menu) Input value, Seek bar, help me It's not working

First of all, I'm sorry that it's a translation Help me. This is my code =================================================================== #include <list> #include <vector> #include <string.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <cstring> #include <jni.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <dlfcn.h> #include "Includes/Logger.h" #include "Includes/obfuscate.h" #include "Includes/Utils.h" #include "KittyMemory/MemoryPatch.h" #include "Menu.h" #define targetLibName OBFUSCATE("") #include "Includes/Macros.h" struct My_Patches { MemoryPatch xs; } hexPatches; int speed =0; int hwhw=0; void (*old_speed1)(void *instance); void speed1(void *instance) { if(instance != NULL) { if (speed >=0) { //if Toggle *(int *)((uint64_t)instance + 0x10) = speed; //false true 몹겹치기 } } old_speed1(instance); } int (*old_hwhw777)(void *instance); int hwhw777(void *instance) { if(instance != NULL&&hwhw> 0) { return (int)hwhw; } return hwhw777(instance); } void *hack_thread(void *) { LOGI(OBFUSCATE("pthread created")); do { sleep(1); } while (!isLibraryLoaded(targetLibName)); LOGI(OBFUSCATE("%s has been loaded"), (const char *) targetLibName); #if defined(aarch64) #else MSHookFunction((void *)getAbsoluteAddress("", 0x8A3714), (void *) speed1, (void **)&old_speed1); MSHookFunction((void *)getAbsoluteAddress("", 0x748A88), (void *) hwhw777, (void **)&old_hwhw777); LOGI(OBFUSCATE("Done")); #endif return NULL; } extern "C" { JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_uk_lgl_modmenu_FloatingModMenuService_getFeatureList(JNIEnv *env, jobject context) { jobjectArray ret; MakeToast(env, context, OBFUSCATE("개 초 코"), Toast::LENGTH_LONG); const char *features[] = { OBFUSCATE("Category_지금부터쇼타임"), //OBFUSCATE("CheckBox_무적&원킬"), OBFUSCATE("InputValue_9"), //OBFUSCATE("SeekBar_speed_0_100"), OBFUSCATE("InputValue_01"), }; int Total_Feature = (sizeof features / sizeof features[0]); ret = (jobjectArray) env->NewObjectArray(Total_Feature, env->FindClass(OBFUSCATE("java/lang/String")), env->NewStringUTF("")); for (int i = 0; i < Total_Feature; i++) env->SetObjectArrayElement(ret, i, env->NewStringUTF(features[i])); pthread_t ptid; pthread_create(&ptid, NULL, antiLeech, NULL); return (ret); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_uk_lgl_modmenu_Preferences_Changes(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jobject obj, jint featNum, jstring featName, jint value, jboolean boolean, jstring str) { LOGD(OBFUSCATE("Feature name: %d - %s | Value: = %d | Bool: = %d | Text: = %s"), featNum, env->GetStringUTFChars(featName, 0), value, boolean, str != NULL ? env->GetStringUTFChars(str, 0) : ""); switch (featNum) { case 0: speed = value; break; case 1: hwhw = value; break; } } } attribute((constructor)) void lib_main() { pthread_t ptid; pthread_create(&ptid, NULL, hack_thread, NULL); }

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Friday, 5 August 2022

iPad crashing after using free iAP cracker.

Hey guys, This is my first post so ill try to make it as detialed as possible. (I dont know if theres an free iAP cracker support forum) So, I have a jailbroken iPad with ios 14.5.1. My issue is that sometimes, when I open an app and mess with the free iAP cracker, my entire iPad just crashes. In an instant, I just see black and purple, then it restarts and I have to re-jailbreak my device again. The issue only happens when I get an iAP for free. I dont really know how to explain it, but im 99% sure that its caused by the free iAP cracker as it happens when I get some stuff for free. I was getting free GP on terragenesis and then boom. Black and purple screen, instantly shuts down and then reboots.. I have no evidence due to the iPad constantly shutting down/rebooting??? so basically recording the event is impossible. I dont know what is causing this, this happens randomly, but I know its always caused by the iAP cracker due to it being triggered by getting a bunch of stuff for free. Any help will be appreciated. I am just desperate for help at this point. Im sorry if this is the wrong topic but i just dont know what to do anymore.

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If your IGameGod crashes on launch then here is the solution

Hi! This is a big problem, but i first the first to solve this problem in the world! (I think :D) STEP ONE Go into your Settings Then go into Screen And Brightness And Off Bold Text STEP TWO Have Fun

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Can I Jailbreak? (All iOS for iPhone - iPad Coming soon)

Hello all, As this is a massively requested thread, I have decided to compile a list from 5 different websites and merge them into one easy to use spreadsheet. Please see the link below that will provide you with the full list of iPhone devices and what jailbreak took you need for all iOS's Can I Jailbreak - iOSGods! Example of iOS14

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Problem with Monster Super League

Hi. I have a problem with a Monster Súper League 3.0.1 hack. When i install the hack, when i do a battle in any mode, the enemies never die, even if i don’t have any options activated of the hack. Is like the enemies had activated for them a “Never Die hack”. Without the hack everything works normal… Can someone help me? Thx!

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