Wednesday 16 September 2020

Theos Logos Logging Value

I'm in the process of writing my first tweak for personal use (Java dev by trade). Hooking CXCallObserver and CXCall from CallKit using the code below: %hook CXCallObserver -(void)dataSource:(id)arg1 callChanged:(id)arg2 { NSLog(@" Logging from callChanged"); %log; %orig; } %end %hook CXCall -(BOOL)hasConnected { %log; BOOL r = %orig; HBLogDebug(@" = %d", r); return r; } %end I got the header files from the awesome limneos site Seems to work as I get logs in Console when I call the jailbroken phone but the logging output seems to show pointers (id) rather than the value. 05:26:17.354517+0100call2mqtt.dylib Logging from callChangedSpringBoard 05:26:17.354582+0100call2mqtt.dylib-[<CXCallObserver: 0x280714f00> dataSource:<CXCallObserverXPCClient: 0x280715c80> callChanged:<CXCall: 0x2808f98e0>]SpringBoard 05:26:17.355855+0100call2mqtt.dylib-[<CXCall: 0x2808f98e0> hasConnected]SpringBoard 05:26:17.355989+0100call2mqtt.dylib-[<CXCall: 0x2808f9b20> hasConnected]SpringBoard 05:26:17.579402+0100call2mqtt.dylib-[<CXCall: 0x2808f98e0> hasConnected]SpringBoard 05:26:17.580944+0100call2mqtt.dylib-[<CXCall: 0x2808f8dc0> hasConnected]SpringBoard 05:26:17.581345+0100call2mqtt.dylib-[<CXCall: 0x2808f98e0> hasConnected]SpringBoard 05:26:17.581446+0100call2mqtt.dylib-[<CXCall: 0x28094c400> hasConnected]SpringBoard 05:26:19.855051+0100call2mqtt.dylib Logging from callChangedSpringBoard 05:26:19.855118+0100call2mqtt.dylib-[<CXCallObserver: 0x280714f00> dataSource:<CXCallObserverXPCClient: 0x280715c80> callChanged:<CXCall: 0x2808f9f00>]SpringBoard How do I get the actual values rather than the pointers? i.e. 05:26:17.355855+0100call2mqtt.dylib-[<CXCall: false> hasConnected]SpringBoard rather than 05:26:17.355855+0100call2mqtt.dylib-[<CXCall: 0x2808f98e0> hasConnected]SpringBoard What I'm eventually trying to achieve is if an incoming call is coming from a particular number send a message via curl or mqtt but I need to determine the number calling first Many thanks in advance for help

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