Thursday, 28 October 2021

Help with Offsets!

I'm sure you're getting tired of seeing me here, but you're gonna see a whole lot of me. I need assistance with identifying offsets that are useful. I've stumbled across 3. These offsets are involved with the game's currency. Searched current value, altered value by selling, search value, ended up with 3 offsets. Offset 1 -- Offset 2 -- Offset 3 Money: 1. IDA Offset - 191506c Game.GUI.GlobalCanvas.ResourceValuePresenter$$ChangeResource 2. IDA Offset - 19075ec CSGame.Models.Resources.Resource$$AddValue 3. IDA Offset - 1915288 Game.GUI.GlobalCanvas.ResourceWidgetView$$UpdateValue EDIT: I also need help with figuring out how to alter the assembly using the KEYPATCH:Patcher. No idea how to do that, I don't know how to pull up the menu/pop-up. EDIT: I'm also attempting to test the offsets with the Live Patcher on iGG. Any help is appreciated.

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