Wednesday, 20 October 2021

making Apps For Non Jailbroken iOS Devices. Help please

Ok so I going to list my specs first... I am running MacOS Catalina 10.15.6, XCode is on 12.2 and My iPhone SE 2020 is on 14.2 so basically I am trying to make my tweaks into hacked ipa (iWebTV) And I followed this tutorial so everything works really good until I get to the part in XCode for capability so I open the terminal where Theos-Jailed is and it says iCloud (requires Extra configuration) "is not listed in the capability" which probably means that I need a dev account... but wait I got told I could do this for free, so that's not the problem. so I skipped the step made the app and it crashed.... I have been trying this for 3 days now and I have been pulling my hair out, any help would be appreciated. I would love to see this run on non jailed devices to help the community out... here is a photo of jailed in terminal

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