Sunday, 9 January 2022

Hook crashes game for no reason

Yo so I tried updating old shmoo’s shadowgun legends aimbot source. Got every right offset and also I’m almost 100% sure my code is good and of course, I have valid Quaternion and Vector3 implementations. The problem is, as said in title the hook causes game to crash and I can’t figure out why it’s crashing right when I enter the game, and yes I know the game uses UnityFramework as base executable. It’s crashing even if I hook update function without returning anything or modyfing at any way. Here’s how I hook: void (*_ComponentPlayer_Update)(void *componentPlayer); void ComponentPlayer_Update(void *componentPlayer){ _ComponentPlayer_Update(componentPlayer); } float (*ComponentEnemy_GetCurrentHealth)(void *componentEnemy) = (float (*)(void *))getRealOffset(0x1D18F34); void (*_ComponentEnemy_Update)(void *componentEnemy); void ComponentEnemy_Update(void *componentEnemy){ _ComponentEnemy_Update(componentEnemy); } %ctor { MSHookFunction((void *)KittyMemory::getAbsoluteAddress("UnityFramework", 0x1D0ED98), (void *)ComponentPlayer_Update, (void **)&_ComponentPlayer_Update); MSHookFunction((void *)KittyMemory::getAbsoluteAddress("UnityFramework", 0x1CEAC40), (void *)ComponentEnemy_Update, (void **)&_ComponentEnemy_Update); } I also was trying to use unityframework vmadder slide which was working fine for me in other too unityframework games(for example telekill) and it said kern_invalid_address, I’m telling you again every offset was right. Anyway if someone can help me I would really appreciate it cause for me it’s just the time to start with some advanced mods. If any additional information is needed, just tell me and I will answer 😃

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