Monday, 31 January 2022

[Unity Hooking] Unsure how to progress further

Good day to you guys! It appears that I've hit a road block and once again, I'm not quite sure how to wrap my head around it... Therefore, any help may it be guidance to additional guides or simply offering guided solutions are welcome! I've found an interesting offset that I'm able to patch through a live offset patcher and the hacked instruction works as it should, but I need to hook this function to be loaded about at the same time as the game, before reaching the main menu. Through the offset patcher, I'm able to be quick enough to do it by myself but once integrated in a mod menu, it takes too long to load up for it to work at all. My goal would be to hook the function at start, regardless of whether or not the user logged in through the interface to iOSGods. (I plan on releasing it VIP only, considering its nature and the game in question. With additional assistance I'm certain that it could also be released as a jailed hack) That would sum up the main issue I'm facing. The second would be releasing it VIP. Quite sadly, my main experience with mshooking was through Flex and that doesn't allow me to progress much further on this as of now. For the VIP part, I believe it'll require the assistance of a renowned cheater and/or @Rook's help 😄 --since I do not the reputation, nor decent enough knowledge, to use the premium nic template. I'm open to discussing this further over private messages. In the meantime, I'll continue reading and try to get a better grasp of how it works but that doesn't mean that any help won't be greatly appreciated ! As for a little fun, here's a little spoiler; //Edit: Perhaps it could be loaded after launch if it's hooked to an update function that's called more often? Could that be a way of doing things?

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