Friday, 29 April 2022

Decrypted .ipa not opening ~ possible anti-crack

Good morning/evening everyone, I am trying to decrypt FileBrowser Professional (can provide affected files if needed) using an iPad mini 2 running 12.5.5 jailbroken (I have used unc0ver and chimera for this task) to sideload the app onto my iPhone 13 Pro Max running 15.4.1. I have used BFDecrypt, iGDecrypt, Frida-iOS, and CrackerXI to decrypt the app. I have sucessfully gotten the .ipa and it can install and work properly on my iPad mini 2 installed using AppSync, but it crashes when sideloaded. I have come to the conclusion this app most likely has some anti-cracking code in place. Is it possible to bypass that? Or is the solution much simpler? Any advice is appreciated. I have access to Windows and Linux as well.

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