Thursday, 21 July 2022

Do Sideloadly exported IPAs only work with Sideloadly?

Hey Guys. Here is an example Subway Surfers with the iGameGod! Cheat Engine deb. I can Inject the iGameGod! deb to the ipa and sideload it with a free apple id to my phone and it works. However if I export the modified ipa and try to sign it with a developer cert+profile through a signing service it fails every time to sign it. I have tried 2 signing tools. SignTools and AppDB and both fail signing teh modified ipa. They will sign the unmodified ipa no problem. Does anyone know what causes this and if there is a fix? I can also include iGameGod! deb to the original IPA with SignTools but it will not load the iGameGod! Cheat Engine. Just the game

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