Friday, 1 July 2022

How to find account password on the gd app

—disclaimer— Before this tutorial starts, I need to clarify some stuff. The tools used in this topic are not made / tested by me and this also requires a computer that has iMazing and winRAR installed. This works on both macOS and Windows (Click here to download iMazing and here for winRAR and if you don’t have a license download the trial version) —introduction— everybody! If you’ve lost or forgotten a password on geometry dash and you’re using an iDevice don’t panic! This - hopefully - simple tutorial can be fixed pretty easily with no need for paying extra cash —Instructions— • Step one: Connect your iDevice to your computer via USB and launch iMazing (doing this over WiFi is an alternative but it takes incredibly long to do so). —————————————————— • Step two: Select the device plugged in and click on manage apps (it may ask for Apple ID and password so enter it). —————————————————— • Step three: Locate geometry dash and right click while hovering over it. Now you press export app data and choose your directory of choice. It will now start installing. —————————————————— • Step four: When finished, press close and get out of iMazing. Now you launch winRAR and navigate to the directory where your geometry dash backup is. —————————————————— • Step five: Find the backup (which should be in .IMAZINGAPP format) and right click. After that, press view. —————————————————— • Step six: You should now see two folders along with two files. Navigate to the folder with CCGamemanager.dat and copy it. —————————————————— • Step seven: Go to windows file manager and paste the file wherever you want it. Now, go to This website and press select file. —————————————————— • Step eight: Search for where you put the file you pasted and select it. Now it will take a few seconds / minutes for it to process. —————————————————— • Step nine: Read your password and enjoy! —Final— You have successfully found the password to your account! If you found this post helpful or informative, please react with a like.

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