Thursday, 3 November 2022

Bypass Codestage Anti-Cheat

Hi guys! Long time lurker, first time poster. I've been trying to modify this game for fun. It's and it has been previously modded by multiple people here on iOSGods. Since I know its possible to bypass, I have tried doing it myself to no avail. I've heard that the anti-cheat isn't too hard to bypass but I haven't gotten that far yet.. I'm not too new to making cheats for games but I've only done it on PC games without anti-cheat. I've tried patching the offsets multiple times, different bytes, etc. It always freezes, and crashes. I have yet to see anyone post a write up to bypass anti cheat by writing to the offsets or any other similar methods, so I came to ask for some help. Here's an example of the code I'm currently trying to use: patchOffset(ENCRYPTOFFSET("0x1DE6448"), ENCRYPTHEX("0x1F2003D5C0035FD6")); patchOffset(ENCRYPTOFFSET("0x1DE64BC"), ENCRYPTHEX("0x1F2003D5C0035FD6")); patchOffset(ENCRYPTOFFSET("0x1DE6618"), ENCRYPTHEX("0x1F2003D5C0035FD6")); //Have also tried this patchOffset(ENCRYPTOFFSET("0x1DE6618"), ENCRYPTHEX("0xC0035FD6")); //This too patchOffset(ENCRYPTOFFSET("0x1DE6618"), ENCRYPTHEX("0x1F2003D5")); Example of classes and methods Would really appreciate anyone pointing me in the right direction! Thank you

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