Friday, 30 December 2022

Ted2 Mod Menu Not Appearing...

I have just finished creating my menu using Ted's template but after installing the .deb I am not seeing it after loading the game(Combat Master). Im using iPhoneOS11.4.sdk It uses UnityFramework so of course I have already done this : [menu setFrameworkName:"UnityFramework"]; in Tweak.xm. Also tried changing this : const char *frameworkName = "UnityFramework"; in Is there something I'm missing? wanted to see if it was my code was the problem, so I compiled Ted's template and it still wouldn't show anything. But after installing an old menu from this site it loaded just fine. Is there a way to specify what app the menu injects into? Here's what my control file looks like: Package: com.iosg.combatmaster Name: Af***gmenu Depends: mobilesubstrate Version: 0.6.154 Architecture: iphoneos-arm Description: combat gods mod menu Maintainer: @Eternal Mods Author: @Blu Section: Tweaks Also tried changing the timer in Tweak.xm to 25-1000 but didn't notice any changes. just gonna put this here because im not sure what it does and would love an explanation lmao : after-install:: install.exec "killall -9 com.AlfaBravo.CombatMaster || :" I believe I am truly losing my mind at this point so if anyone has any idea whats going on please help me so close.

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