Thursday, 23 March 2023

iOS mod menu template compile failed

(device iphone 7 ios 15.5) Hello! trying to compile "" on Ubuntu Linux(WSL), sdk changed to iPhoneOS12.4.sdk, the following error appears: gnutrix@DESKTOP-U9Q3D4N:~/iOS-Mod-Menu-Template-for-Theos/template$ make package install ===> Install SYSROOT in /home/gnutrix/theos/sdks/iPhoneOS12.4.sdk/. > Do everything for the tweak @@PROJECTNAME@@... ===> Install SYSROOT in /home/gnutrix/theos/sdks/iPhoneOS12.4.sdk/... ===> Installing SYSROOT on /home/gnutrix/theos/sdks/iPhoneOS12.4.sdk/... ===> Installing SYSROOT in /home/gnutrix/theos/sdks/iPhoneOS12.4.sdk/... ==> Preprocessing Tweak.xm... ==> Compiling Tweak.xm (arm64)... ==> Linking tweak @@PROJECTNAME@@ (arm64)... ==> Generating debugging symbols for @@PROJECTNAME@@... ==> Unmounting @@PROJECTNAME@@ (arm64)... /home/gnutrix/theos/toolchain/linux/iphone/bin/strip: changes made to the file invalidate the code signature in: /home/gnutrix/iOS-Mod-Menu-Template-for-Theos/template/.theos/obj/arm64/@@PROJECTNAME@@.dylib [cctools-port]: create a fake signature for '/home/gnutrix/iOS-Mod-Menu-Template-for-Theos/template/.theos/obj/arm64/@@PROJECTNAME@@.dylib.strip' ==> Tweak merge @@PROJECTNAME@@. ==> Signing @@PROJECTNAME@@... > Create a scene for the @@PROJECTNAME@@... ===> Installing SYSROOT in /home/gnutrix/theos/sdks/iPhoneOS12.4.sdk/... ==> Note: Neither plutil, ply nor libplist-utils are installed, so the XML plist files were not optimized. ERROR: package name contains characters that are not lowercase or '-+'. make: *** [/home/gnutrix/theos/makefiles/package/ internal-package] Error 25. what to do?

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